Open-Xchange OX App Suite before 7.8.1-rev10 allows unauthorized access to user accounts through cookie storage vulnerability

Open-Xchange OX App Suite before 7.8.1-rev10 allows unauthorized access to user accounts through cookie storage vulnerability

CVE-2016-4027 · LOW Severity


An issue was discovered in Open-Xchange OX App Suite before 7.8.1-rev10. App Suite frontend offers to control whether a user wants to store cookies that exceed the session duration. This functionality is useful when logging in from clients with reduced privileges or shared environments. However the setting was incorrectly recognized and cookies were stored regardless of this setting when the login was performed using a non-interactive login method. In case the setting was enforced by middleware configuration or the user went through the interactive login page, the workflow was correct. Cookies with authentication information may become available to other users on shared environments. In case the user did not properly log out from the session, third parties with access to the same client can access a user's account.

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